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  • How long do lessons last?
    We are very flexible, and can easily adapt to students' schedules. Our standard lessons usually last two hours however. This is to ensure maximum efficiency, and ideal concentration. Should you wish to have lessons longer or shorter than two hours, then please contact us to see if we can arrange for such.
  • Where do lessons take place?
    Because we are intent on streamlining the learning process, we bring tutoring lessons to you. Our tutors can travel to your house, or school (if they are affiliated with DOVITU) to tutor you there. The DOVITU office is located in the city center of Rotterdam - here we hold most of our lessons.
  • Is anyone applicable for tutoring?
    Because we believe that anyone has the ability to learn, we are keen to take on almost every student that is looking to be tutored by us. There are however occasions when we do not take on a student to be tutored. Examples of such cases are students who are very far behind on course work and expect to catch up on this in an unrealistically short period of time. Students that lack motivation and that expect tutors to 'do the work for them' will also not be selected.
  • What can I expect from the tutoring?
    If you are willing and able to work consistently with the tools our tutors give you, then your results will soon reflect your work input. Students can expect a simplification of the theory, logical and understandable explanations, and fundamentally a solid comprehension of the basics. Once students practice and revise what our tutors elucidate during the lessons, they will soon reap the benefits.
  • How much does it cost?
    The standard hourly fee starts at €40 as of August 1st 2023 for online lessons or in-person lessons at the Hofplein 20 office. Depending on availability and subject the hourly fee may vary from the starting price of €40. The prices for in-person tutoring at your home, or for crash courses will depend on factors such as the subject and location.
  • Do you teach online lessons?
    Online lessons are here to stay! Online lessons have been tried and tested over the past three years, and have received positive feedback from students and parents. The online lesson environment replicate classical in-person lessons well, and serve as an ideal service for students looking to maximise their studies from anyplace, anytime.
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